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Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Is God
punishing our nation with the Coronavirus?
This is the kind of question people worry about whenever
anything awful happens, particularly the kinds of things we have no control
over. And sadly, we are starting to see pronouncements to this effect in the
But for those of us who know Jesus, we ought to be able to
frame it better.
Often people who ask this question are thinking of general
ideas about deities (yes, for example, the Greek and Roman gods were frequently
punishing people) or about God as he is described in the Old Testament, in
which nations sometimes were shown God’s wrath for their unjust behavior (or
refusal to see Israel’s God as in charge, for example the ten plagues on
But the new covenant in Jesus makes things
When Jesus came, he was initiating a new covenant with
humanity from God, and it was not like the ‘first covenant’ with the children
of Israel (the Old Testament).
First of all, Jesus was himself God, the Son who came to
take on flesh. In Colossians, Paul
writes of him as the “Image of the invisible God” – so what we want to know
about God, we can see in Jesus. “For in
him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and
invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities….He is before all
things, and in him all things hold together….God was pleased to have all his
fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things,
whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood,
shed on the cross.” (See Colossians 1:16-20)
Jesus came to show people what God was like, AND to show us
more completely what it was God wanted from humans – that God wants
relationship with us. People were meant
for relationship with God, but that companionship was broken due to human “sin”
– which comes from human refusal to trust God.
So, Jesus came to reconcile humans and God, by taking the
consequences of human sin on himself:
”He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness
which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to
the cross.” (Colossians 2:13-15)
Jesus came to bear our sin because we could not. He came to reconcile humanity to God, because
we were far away from God. He came to
give us a new life, even a new identity, in him. He came to create a new family out of those
who trust him from every “tribe, tongue and nation” on earth, making a new
nation, the people of the new covenant, where God is king.
This is a personal invitation: we each are invited to meet God through
Jesus, to put our trust in his love, to begin a new life in following
Jesus. We are, when we do that, included
in the new people of God. We are, the
New Testament says, then made new, starting over again a new life in
companionship with God. We are no longer
estranged from him.
what about the nations of the world?
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world
to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” (John 3:16-17)
God loves the
world, and so he sent the world his Son, who took the punishment and
consequences of the world’s rebellion against and resentment of God on himself,
rescuing humanity from it all and setting us free to begin a new life in
relationship with God, through Jesus, as part of his new nation (1 Peter 2:9),
his new kingdom.
That’s the good news, and there is precious little in the
New Testament about God punishing nations,
in these days, for their sin – after all, if Jesus took our punishment on the
cross, why would God be reserving a little bit for this group or that
group? “We all, like sheep, have gone
astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the
iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6)
And because God is calling together a new nation, in which he is king, and this is the covenant he is
making with the people of all nations, we do not see him in the New Testament
punishing nations (until we get to Revelation).
what then about the wrath of God?
That’s a big subject but the New Testament does point to a
day when God will work his wrath on a world that continues to refuse him - the
“final day,” the judgment day of God, described in Revelation.
Of course, that book is highly symbolic in its language and
images, so we don’t have much to go on but for the description in chapter 20 of
a judgment: “The dead were judged
according to what they had done as recorded in the books….then death and Hades
were thrown into the lake of fire. The
lake of fire is the second death. All
whose names were not found written in the book of life were thrown into the
lake of fire.”
This time of judgment is referred to several times in the
New Testament by Jesus and others, but obliquely. All we know, is that there is a time when
justice will be done for the injustices suffered in this world, when those who
have been God’s enemies will be defeated (most of all, the devil!).
Importantly, that doesn’t indicate that Coronavirus, or
earthquakes or hurricanes or tornadoes, are God’s judgment now on anyone. In fact,
Jesus – talking about the coming of the end of the world – tells us not to be
alarmed by such things (Matt 24). There
is an end, but those things are not it.
There is going to be judgment, but this isn’t it. And when others tried to get Jesus to say
that someone’s ailment was God’s judgment on their sin, he refused to do it
(see John 9).
Instead, two things:
First of all, there
IS A SIGN to the world about God’s attitude about our sin and injustices. You know what it is? People who are made new in Christ; the
God has called us into new life in him, filled us with His
Spirit, made us new and given us some commandments which have something in
common: to love God, to love our neighbor, to love our enemies, and to love one
another as Jesus loved us!
This is the sign to the world that God really did send
Jesus (John 13:34-35), and the sign to the world that God loves US ALL, and
that God calls others into the same new life we ourselves have received. To receive this new life is pictured in
Revelation as having one’s name written in the Book of Life. To trust God in Jesus, is to escape judgment,
because Jesus took that judgment on himself.
Set free, made alive, inhabited by God the Spirit, our role
is to bring this good news everywhere we go, and to demonstrate it by the way we love.
We are to accept the blows of those who don’t understand,
as Jesus did; we are to forgive those who sin against us, as Jesus did. We are to live in the hope of eternity, and
live generously, as Jesus did. We are to
bring healing and hope to the best of our Spirit-filled ability, as Jesus did.
This is
the sign to the world that God is for real, and Jesus really showed us what God’s
It is NOT our job to go out to a frightened world and tell
them they are under judgment for this sin or that sin, when they do not know
God at all and have no real idea what we’re talking about. The fruit of this is, they write us off. Why wouldn’t they? We’d sound proud and hateful, almost like we
enjoy the idea. It rarely brings anyone
to find and trust Jesus.
(It’s interesting that those who do that, pick out the
things that don’t involve them. High on
the list are abortion and homosexuality. Why would God be visiting judgment on
us for abortion, but seem not to care when we fail to manage the earth wisely
he gave us stewardship over, or for failing to welcome refugees (both of these
are in the Bible)? If God were going to
visit a virus on us for sin, there is a very long list and it would capture all
of us.)
Is God pained by our sin?
Yes he is. Is God angry at the
unjust ways humans treat each other?
Yes, he is! But while he is
“storing up his wrath for the day of judgment” (Romans 2:5), HE IS STILL pouring
out grace on this world in Jesus,
which is meant to be distributed by
the followers of Jesus!
Is the
Coronavirus God’s judgment on us?
No, death and separation from God are his judgment on us –
the very things that Jesus conquered for us, and eliminated for us. “Very truly, I tell you” Jesus says in John
5, “whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and
will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."
Coronavirus is just another part of this broken creation
(another theological treatise to be written….), another danger in a world that
death is part of, another sign that a separation has taken place.
And this time which is dominated by it? It is another time for the church to be the
sign of life, however we may, in Christ.
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